Children are innocent, playful, free, and need to be supported, encouraged, and safe. As we grow, we can remain innocent and appreciate our  self-esteem!

Look at animals. They are innocent from all the horrors that we put upon them. Society and fearful thinking has put us all in chains! We are prisoners to our fear for survival. We abuse ourselves and the animals, which comes from a place of lack.

What are we lacking? Validation! Every species lacks validation. We are perfectly OK being who and what we are! When we respect and have reverence for ourselves and all beings, we release the fear and trauma. We live freely and just are.

There is an innocent animal in nature that reminds us of ourselves and our own innocence. Perhaps, this observation can return us to a planet of innocence. We can then cease the harm that we inflict on ourselves and other beings.? We can change our thinking, which will change our emotions, which will change our choices and behavior!