There is nothing more valuable to good health than having a squeaky clean body, clear mind,  perfect vision, and a calm, stable, nervous system. To achieve this,  potent living and cooked nutrition that contain roughage and the ability to swipe clean the blood, organs, tissue, stimulates new cell growth, flushes debris, produces energy, and allows for adequate sleep is the foundation to this success. The most effective way to begin this process is through a complete VEGAN diet. Once this is set in place; the rest is far easier to achieve and maintain.

Organic green drinks from green roughage, organic herbal detox teas, effective organic enzymes and cleansing supplements, organic apples, salads, slaws, red grapes and other fruit and vegetable roughage are the perfect inner scrubs. The colon is vital for keeping clean as it is primary in manufacturing blood. The “blood factory” or spleen, and the purifier known as the first heart, or liver are maximally important in keeping and maintaining clean pure health. The lymphatic system, or the little “trash cans” in the body that store waste, must also be emptied. Jumping up and down ten times in place at least once daily, helps to release these toxins. Drinking pure clean water will help to flush them out. 

The skin is the largest consumptive and detoxification organ of the body. When the skin is smooth, supple, and clear from any markings, this is a good sign that the internal aspects of the body are functioning well, doing their job, and staying clean. It is  beneficial to remain conscious of detoxifying the body well daily; not just on an occasional basis. 

Study nutrition, acid/alkaline, food combining, living food. Be open to experimenting with different safe cleansing protocols to find out what works best for you. GET INTO THE WORLD OF VEGAN. THIS WILL MAKE THE GREATEST DIFFERENCE IN TOTAL HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE SUCCESS WHILE PAVING THE PATH TO A HEALTHIER MORE STABLE FUTURE.