Imagine being a house filled with pvc plumbing. That is the human body’s blood and arterial system. Everything that goes into the human body is transported throughout the “house” or body and if not dispersed, absorbed, and eliminated properly, the residues leave behind toxins that store and cause all types of disorders and malfunctions. The following will elaborate more on this information. When we correct our dietary choices, the body will automatically kick into a healing process.  


Some children are brought up and nurtured by their birth moms and some have moms that adopted or volunteered to be moms. We are very grateful to both kinds of moms who are our caregivers; love us; and protect us.  Everybody’s gotta have a Mama image; a nurturer; someone here for us! Thanks to all those who do this amazing job. Would be mighty hard to make it through life without’cha!


Healthy Mamas give their families pure spring water without any additives or alterations. Alkaline foods, fruits, and vegetable provide a greater source of energy through their enzymes and minerals. We are one very busy society of women and children and need all the healthy energy and “electricity” we can get. With the right food and drink, we are less prone to stress, trauma, weakness, and confusion.

MAMA VEGAN    Info 3

Walking, staying mobile, and gentle exercise keep the body cleansed and support healthy oxygen and blood flow. Overexertion can cause pain and imbalances. Being active is great “food” for the body, mind, and spirit. All women can benefit from Organic Live Food and Live Food Supplements: Prime Manufacturers are: HEALTH FORCE, NEW CHAPTER, GARDEN OF LIFE, AND MEGA FOODS. The body recognizes these as they replicate an organic whole food diet in supplemental form. The body receives full nutritive value from them.

MAMA VEGAN    Info 4

Advertising dupes us into believing humans must drink cow milk. ABSOLUTELY NOT! CALVES DRINK COW MILK! BABY HUMANS DRINK HUMAN MAMA MILK; as we grow, plant derived milks do the trick. Animal milk and other dairy products not digested by humans can cause whole body congestion, lung asthma, other respiratory issues, blindness, and deafness. Children and adults who drink hormone treated cow milk are subject to oversized breasts and other issues.

MAMA VEGAN        Info 5

Peacefulness and happiness support women through all of their activities, responsibilities, and home life.

MAMA VEGAN          Info 6

The spiritual backbone of the family is on call day and night. Women never know when something is going to arise that requires love, care, and attention. They come to the rescue as needed. Mama Bear is always there in support of her cubs and the same holds true with Human Mama Bears!

MAMA VEGAN         Info 7

All creatures need to feel the touch from another. When the infant is in the womb, it constantly feels the pulse of the mother’s heart. When birthed, it is placed upon the mother’s chest to continue to feel that connection. It is important to tell our caregivers our feelings and needs so they can support us. 

MAMA VEGAN       Info 8

We want to always remember patience, understanding, and validation with our children. They are sensitive and need calmness. Moms help greatly by being clear: no means no and yes means yes without confusing the two, and sticking to whichever response she has given. Children need encouragement to express themselves

MAMA VEGAN         Info 9

 Skin care through cleansing and massaging with apricot oil, secures the newborn’s protective coating that lasts for approximately six months after birth.  Organic mashed avocados is a perfect food for infants and people throughout life.  Strolling, cradling, rocking, and singing all help the child to connect with this world and its nurturers. 

MAMA VEGAN      Info 10

Adequate sleep produces a peaceful nervous system. We need to know peacefulness, calm, and feel assurance that no matter what, we are okay. All stimulants and unpleasant conversations and thoughts need to be removed before going to bed. 


Play, fun, laughter, humor, and sport is part of taking care of ourselves. Mom, even though you are superhuman, make sure to be well balanced. Live the VEGAN life for the family, teaching compassion for all beings, We need all we can get!!!