TRIPLE ENERGY  &  TRIPLE TASTE   &  TRIPLE “NEW” TRITION   WITH A VEGAN DIET!!! “NEW” TRITION/Nutrition is: organic fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes for humans. Chia and Hemp are seeds recommended for humans, and almonds are the only alkaline nut there is, the easiest to digest in all the “nutty” kingdom. It is important to know pH Balance (Potential Hydrogen for Positive Electricity)Acid/ Alkaline; having an awareness  in Living Food versus Raw Food; Enzymes, Digestion, Food Combining, and Probiotics in Living Fermented Food. These are the basics. Best text is Dr. Theodore Baroody’s, “Alkalize or Die.” There are countless books available on these topics. Keep studying and testing what is successful for your body. Every body is different. Pay attention to yours; listen and pay heed to its performance, learn what is just right for you. The one thing we all share in common in human anatomy is VEGAN consumption. Humans thrive, have always thrived, and unless we become GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), will always thrive on VEGAN plant based consumption.