ANIMALS ARE NOT FOOD! The earth is a growing cemetery of body parts destroyed for food that never get eaten. People of conscience are grief stricken over the painful slaughter of these innocent creatures.  The waste of life is felt by people who consciously care about animals, their safety, and well-being. Perhaps, we cannot emphasize and repeat enough how inhumane, violent, corrupt, criminal, desensitized, and emotionally numb flesh eaters are on the planet today. We feel no reverence for life and have lost the humaneness that every life is sacred to the creature who inhabits its body.


ANIMALS ARE NOT FOOD! If we are honest people, then we are forthright in speaking the truth.  What we are doing to our animals is sad and grievous. Not only do we perpetrate criminal heinous acts upon them while living; their remains are wasted, trashed, ignored, unused, and incinerated. While animals are not people, they are sentient living beings. As a living being, how would you like your life to be painful, shortened, and tossed in the trash? 

The most frequently wasted and trashed animal bodies and parts are: fish, shellfish, cow, pig, and chicken. These animals died from marketing demand and mindlessness. Over 500 million chickens per year and over 35 million egg laying hens per year land in the trash. It is estimated that 15 million pigs and over 3 million cows annually land in the trash. 

All animals who die in the name of “food,” die for nothing. Animals are not food. They often end up ground in unhealthy pet “food.” The additional tragedy is that these abominable numbers add to the already outlandish number of animals we use, abuse, and kill. ANIMALS ARE NOT FOOD!