Think you crave sugar, caffeine, animal flesh, drugs? Cravings are signs of malnutrition! The body is craving organic whole food; primarily earth grown minerals! We keep feeding it junk and empty calories! This consists of chemical toxicity from food contamination, over the counter drugs and prescriptions, isolates (separated substances from whole/complete compounds), artificial flavors and colors, all animal flesh, and all foreign substances that can destroy human bodies. Our current mass market food supply is loaded with foreign substances and additives! No wonder we have so many “food” addictions and feel hungry constantly! These chemical toxins store in the blood, tissue, joints, and organs and require heavy duty detoxification. The complex human body can only recognize and process organic whole uncontaminated food,” otherwise it becomes SICK/TOX-IC/TOXIC!!! We can continue to enjoy all of our favorite foods with certified organic labeling.