Who are we kidding? We say we love animals, yet day after day, we continue to allow  enticing marketing , greed, and habits to hurt and destroy them. We are completely oblivious to their lives. We ignore their pain and suffering. We ignore our own cruelty and brutality by paying someone else to “do the dirty work” in order to feed our addictions. These are not inanimate senseless things….they are living, feeling, intelligent beings. Even the TIN MAN has the heart to protect and save these beautiful beings that God has placed in His world. We invite you to follow “the yellow brick road” to the world of VEGAN and become humane, real, and compassionate. 

Animals CRAVE long happy lives, free from human harm. VEGAN SAVES THE WORLD asks all people to help animals live their lives on rich green pastureland; OVER THE RAINBOW!
Animals deserve free, safe lives. No Yellow Brick Road or Wizard can make this happen. Only our consciences can free and save them. Vegans have that conscience!


Killing living beings for food or any other commodity is inhumane, immoral, and criminal no matter how much we attempt to justify our behavior and choices. Many people avoid conversations with VEGANS because they don’t want to change nor admit their guilt. They go into a place of self defense rather than opening their minds and hearts to the truth. 
Is there anything more heartless than farming animals for slaughter? Yes. Factory Farming. Hundreds of Billions of animals are cut into pieces and sold at grocery stores annually. We are numb to the killing, eating, and storing animal remains in our colons. We bring pain and death every day upon innocent creatures. It is time to get unnumb, become moral and ethical; and transform our world into a humane place for all beings. Obliterate Factory Farming!