CREATOR, thank You for this life you have given to me and those whom I have grown to love, appreciate, and in some instances admire. Thank You for the gifts of sight, touch, taste, aroma, and hearing. Thank You for a healthy, whole, and complete body. Thank You for loving relationships; spouses, children, family, friends, and community. Thank You for a life filled with adventure, interest, opportunity, service, and abilities. Thank You, that if I have been made or become short of any of these gratitude checks, that You have compensated me in other ways that are unique to my own and personal journey and that which only You and You alone knows is for my highest good, and the good of others with whom I come in contact. I love and am here to serve You and those whom You have put in my path, making me a better, more moral, ethical, kind, compassionate, and conscientious human being. Bless You and all of Your Creation, of which I am a part. Omayn.