Animals, like people, can mate for a lifetime. Animals have a zero divorce rate. They can be monogamous, when humans do not manipulate their lives. They are responsible; repel stress; provide for and protect their own. 

VEGANS are warm and friendly. They attract like minds. They have a common bond in their lifestyle choices. Here’s a bear hug from your VEGAN FRIENDS.

VEGANS show love and caring. We can get close without harming another creature. Our hearts “tweet” when we know the world is living its VEGAN beat!

VEGANS care about our personal space and the earth. We put forth lots of effort to make and leave the world a better, kinder, and more loving place. 

VEGANS are giants in the world of compassion and freedom. We are examples of loving kindness. We show this to the world from the choices that we make. 

VEGANS are calm and peaceful. We float through life with  healthy plant-based diets and behaviors.

VEGANS are compatible with  kind hearted, caring people.

VEGANS see all creatures as being part of ONE BIG FAMILY. All living beings deserve healthy, safe, and free lives. 

VEGANS are all in this together. We are ONE NO MATTER WHAT! We are all spinning on this planet together; at the same time; and with the same concerns. 

VEGANS have inner peace knowing they make a difference.

VEGANS are committed to ourselves and the world. Every life is precious. We speak out for the welfare of all beings. 

VEGANS are forgiving of those who may not yet understand the intelligent and compassionate choices that we make. There will come a time when everyone will be part of the ACTIVE VEGAN GLOBAL FAMILY.