Welcome to the world and “encyclopedia” of nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains, excellent sources of plant protein that are sustainable and do the job of providing substance, energy, mental, neurological, general health, and well-being. To begin and without reeking havoc, almonds are the only alkaline nut and are easily recognized as being compatible with humans. They may be soaked and sprouted overnight in the refrigerator making for an enzymatically live and easy to digest food. It is evident in The Doctrine of Signatures that this nut is bioavailable for human consumption due to its paperthin shell that can be opened in a person’s bare hand simply and easily. This nut is extremely popular in the consumption of almond butter, flour, milk, oil for both internal and external consumption and use. It is high in protein and when consumed properly, will not cause any constipation or diverticulitis (colon and waste inflammatory conditions.) Most other nuts and seeds may be of benefit when pulverized into butters, flours, essential fatty acids (oil) that may be consumed internally and used topically. Oils used topically can be very soothing and healing. Hard nuts and seeds cannot be broken down adequately by human teeth and therefore may become embedded in the colon and waste causing great pain and dysfunction of the bowels. This was very common in our ancestry and even still today when the nuts and seeds have not been mechanically broken down prior to human consumption. The safe way to consume any nut and seed would be to have them “predigested” or broken down in their simplest form prior to consuming. They are usually great in baking and in supporting the protein content of other desirable recipe choices when used as flours and meals. Flax meal for example is extremely versatile in food preparation and offers great protein and fiber. Flax seeds cannot be broken down in the digestive process and can infuse very common inflammatory conditions. Hemp and Chia seeds are safe to consume in their original state. Chia seeds will gelatinize (moisten and expand) upon soaking, which is an added benefit. Sunflower Seed Butter and Pumpkin Seed Butter are especially delicious and nutritious and relatively easy to digest. Water or Rice Milk are helpful when consuming Almond and Sunflower Butters. While Hemp Seed Butter is highly nutritious, it has a rather unique taste and a heavier content. Turbinado Sugar and Agave are both beneficial to the flavor and nutrition of any nut or seed butter. The oils from nuts and seeds nourish the brain and lubricate joints, assist in swallowing and blinking. These are definitely helpful with healthy heart function. There is no animal flesh or dairy that can provide any of the benefits that plant protein offers a human body. Peanuts are not nuts, they are legumes and are not easy to digest in any form. Keep this in mind if consuming this product as you may wish to double and triple up on powerful enzymes. Both Peanuts and Pistachios are nightshades, which means they behave as sedatives upon consumption and take “forever” to go through the digestive process at an already compromised rate.
Legumes, high fiber beans, are some of the most beneficial and excellent forms of compatible protein for human anatomy. They provide extremely satisfying substance and sustenance and can carry humans a long way in physical exertion. They help to support adequate bowel function and are filling, flavorful, nutritious, and versatile. Grains provide bulk, fiber in most instances, are very satisfying, are generally complex in carbohydrates, which support neurological peace and relaxation. Today, there are abundant grains that are found in the market that are gluten free. We may wish to seek those high in protein and fiber content for best nutritive results.
Humans’ bodies cannot process animal flesh and its acidity. Because of this, animal flesh gets stored in the human body and results in many kinds of sickness and disease. These undigested particles store in organs, gums, blood, tissue, and joints. This prevents normal and healthy blood and oxygen flow. When blood and oxygen are unable to flow through any specific area of the human body, this creates a “black or dead zone”. This is the beginning stages of what the medical community refers to as “Cancer.” Our pictures will show you different health conflicts. It is important to realize that consuming anything from animals will produce poor health issues in various ways. We hope that you will take this to heart.
As long as a person is still breathing, it is possible to reverse damaging effects of animal consumption. The person must have the will and desire to make necessary changes. The number one cause of lung disease in the way of food consumption is that of cow dairy. Anything creamy and high acid, will cause congestion to alveoli cells in the lungs. Asthma is generated and exacerbated from animal dairy products. The lungs pertain psychologically and emotionally to survival issues. (The Mother) We can see the connection between taking the milk from the animal baby and its mother being associated with that of a human consuming another species milk.